Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

They shall take to them every man a lamb, according to the house of their fathers, a lamb for an house. —Exodus 12:3

The night before the great Exodus, God instructed each Hebrew household to slay a lamb and apply its blood on their doorposts. When the death angel saw the blood of the spotless lamb, he knew to pass over that home-.-.-.-and the entire household was spared God’s wrath.

Parents, the Bible says if you believe Jesus is who He said He is—the Lamb that died for the sins of the world—you are to apply His sinless blood to your life and that of your family, and believe God for your entire household to be saved! (Acts 16:31).

Stop walking the floor and complaining to God, “My children are on drugs,” or “Mine is a homosexual,” or “Mine has been married fourteen times.” Walk around your home and announce, “I plead the blood of the Passover Lamb over my home. I don’t care what my family’s situation looks like, or what it sounds like. I don’t care what anyone says about it. The blood is applied!”

Lord Jesus, I apply the blood to my family. Cover and
protect my spouse and my children, my parents, and
my grandchildren. By Your blood, redeem, deliver,
save, heal, and restore every member
of family. Amen.

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