Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

And the Lord looked upon him [Gideon], and said, Go in this thy might, and thou shalt save Israel from the hand of the Midianites: have not I sent thee? —Judges 6:14

The angel of the Lord told Gideon, “The Lord is with thee.” God told Gideon he didn’t have to rely on his own might, but God’s. He said, “You do not have to be strong in yourself, because you have my strength.”

Satan will never attack our strengths, because he knows he’s defeated in those areas of our lives. But he is also defeated in our weaknesses, because God is made strong in the midst of our weakness.

Gideon was terrified because he couldn’t see past his own weaknesses and limitations. He started making excuses as to why he couldn’t do what God wanted Him to do. God doesn’t make mistakes. Don’t waste your time questioning God when He prompts you to move. Lay your fears onto Him in prayer. Rely on His strength to carry you through to victory, and go forth in the strength of His might.

Do you need strength? God will strengthen you—not for yourself but to be and do what He requires of you.

Lord, You are my strength. In You is the
power to live a full and abundant life.
Be Thou my strength! Amen.

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