Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. —Ephesians 3:16-17

David also said that God was his emotional strength, the strength of his heart. This is another facet of our intimacy with Him that shields us from fear. Paul prayed that divine might would touch our inner man, that our emotions would be made strong. He was referring to our emotional being. God fills our souls with strength that we might stand in confidence. This is a supernatural gift and an anointing on the inside of us that enables us to keep going though it appears we have every reason to quit. Not quitting is itself an act of God’s grace within us. But He will do more than that: He will cause your heart, your emotions, to become buoyant and powerful, to be alive in God. When the Lord delivers us from fear, it doesn’t mean we will never feel fear again, but that it’s no longer a predominant reality in our life. Fear is no longer our preoccupation. It becomes something the enemy unsuccessfully tempts us with, a sideshow of his failure.


Father, fill me to overflowing with Your supernatural anointing that allows me to stand undefeated regardless of circumstances. Heal the wound of my spirit and cause me to be alive in You. Deliver me from the fear of my enemy.

Beloved, there is an emotional
strength offered us by God.

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