Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Incline your ear, and come to Me. … I will make an everlasting covenant with you—the sure mercies of David. Indeed I have given him as a witness to the people. —Isaiah 55:3-4, NKJV

David was a lot like many Christians today. He didn’t just want to be a man of obedience and intimacy. He wanted to see the power of God released in his nation and in his personal life. This pursuit pleases God. The Lord at this very moment is searching for men and women whose hearts can be fully His. He is looking for that capital Yes in people’s spirits. Some mistakenly believe that they must be without weakness in order to contend for and receive God’s power. They imagine some perfect, totally righteous person being endued with the power of the Holy Spirit, but they never picture themselves doing great works of power for God. They know their own faults too well. The good news from David’s life is that not only does God allow us to draw close to Him in intimacy in spite of our failings, but He also encourages us to pursue His power even when we are weak.


Father, give me Your eyes to see myself as Your mighty warrior. Let me confront the Goliaths in my life with David’s confidence, saying, “You come to me with human strength, but I come before you in the strength of my God.”

David’s life is a witness that weakness does not
disqualify us from experiencing God’s power.

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