Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Go forth, O daughters of Zion, and see [the King] … on the day of his wedding, the day of the gladness of his heart. —Song of Solomon 3:11, NKJV

What Jesus accomplished on the cross is exceedingly powerful. But why He did what He did is just as stunning. What motivation beat in His heart as He endured the cross? What burned in His emotions? What was the divine logic behind the event? Simply put, He longed to be united with His bride. He burned with desire for human beings. Any bridegroom who plans a wedding knows the feeling. The Bible even gives us a glimpse into the gladness of Jesus’s heart on His wedding day in the Song of Solomon. This natural love song depicting the beauty of married love is an excellent picture of the spiritual love between Jesus and His church. The cross was motivated by a God who had great gladness about His wedding day. The cross became a reality because, from before the beginning of time, He desired to marry us.


Jesus, it amazes me that while You hung in agony on the cross of shame to redeem me for Your own, You were anticipating that great coming day when You will return from heaven and claim Your bride for eternity. How I love You for Your inexplicable love for me.

The plan of redemption flows from a God who
eagerly anticipates the intimacy He will have
with His people for eternity.

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