Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Psalm 34:1-10 What a thrill it is for us to watch our grandchildren as they begin to crawl first, and then pull themselves up to a standing position. Shortly thereafter they begin to take their first steps. Sometimes, however, in their efforts to pull themselves up to the standing position, their legs get tangled and they cannot move. Someone has to come to their rescue and position them once again so they can hold on and stand up.

God, our heavenly Father, also delights as He sees us pulling ourselves up spiritually to a standing position. He knows that once we are in a standing position, we are ready to walk in the Spirit as our spiritual legs are strengthened. It grieves Him when we get tangled with sin and the world because then we are paralyzed and unable to walk in the spirit. In His mercy He often comes to our rescue and reveals our sin to us so we can confess, repent and become untangled with sin and all its consequences.

Today’s psalm gives us several ways we can position ourselves to receive the strength of the Lord to walk in the Spirit. Walking in the Spirit always results in great blessing. Let’s look at some of these ways to position ourselves to constantly walk in the Spirit:

1. Have a grateful heart. Bless the Lord and praise Him (v. 1).

2. Brag on the Lord. Tell others what He has done for you (v. 2).

3. Make the Lord the most important person in your life (v. 3).

4. Seek the Lord daily and fellowship with Him (v. 4).

5. Pray and cry out to the Lord for deliverance from all your troubles (v. 6).

6. Fear Him. Stand in awe of His goodness and worship Him (v. 7).

7. Enjoy the Lord. Delight yourself in Him and taste His goodness (v. 8).

8. Trust in Him with all of your heart (v. 8).

When we do the above things, we are in a position to walk in the Spirit all the day long. We can position ourselves this morning in our prayer time as we enter into His gates with thanksgiving. Rehearse all of His works and wonders; seek Him and fellowship with Him. Fear and stand in awe of Him as you worship Him. Make your petitions known to Him, enjoy His presence and trust Him with your day today. Now you are ready to walk today in the Spirit, and you have positioned yourself to receive every blessing God has designed for you this day.

Lord, I enter your presence this morning through prayer, and I look forward to walking with You all day. Thank You for the blessings that await me.

READ: Nehemiah 9:22-10:39; 1 Corinthians 9:20-10:14; Psalm 34:1-10; Proverbs

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