Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Receiving God’s Endorsement

Rushing Dam

Rushing Dam
In order to gain God’s greatest blessings, we must embrace His highest purpose. My sincere conviction is that if this happens in our cities, God’s blessing will spread to entire regions, and healing to our land will occur. Without the abiding fullness of Christ in the church, we will have no more impact in the world than a political party, whose strength rests in numbers and finances and not in God.

Consequently, every serious Christian must recognize two priorities. We need to return to the simplicity and purity of devotion to Christ, and we desperately need divine intervention—or our nation will perish.

In Psalm 90 Moses utters a prayer that everyone who has had enough of his own feeble efforts should pray. In somber and earnest supplication he implores, “Let Your work appear to Your servants, and Your majesty to their children. And let the favor of the Lord our God be upon us; and do confirm for us the work of our hands; yes, confirm the work of our hands” (vv. 16-17, NASB).

This is a heartfelt prayer, one that is full of deep thought and candid reflection. Moses was not willing to “try something” and ask the Lord to bless it. He prayed, “Let Your work appear.” He appealed to God to confirm the works of His hands. What is divine confirmation? It is when the Lord works with you and fulfills your words with His power (see Mark 16:20; Heb. 2:4). God identifies Himself so completely with what you are doing that He backs you up with power. It is endorsement of the Almighty upon an individual’s life.

I want to underscore that we have peace with God through Christ’s sacrifice. We are not looking for divine acceptance but divine endorsement. The question is not one of salvation but of power in this life to change our world. How, then, can we truly know that we have found God’s highest purpose for us? How can we, like Moses, obtain the endorsement of Almighty God?

If we want our works to have permanence, then they must be the eternal works of God and not more of man’s ideas. Jesus said, “‘For the works which the Father has given me to accomplish, the very works that I do, testify about Me, that the Father has sent Me'” (John 5:36). Ultimately, we only glorify God when we, like Jesus, accomplish the work that He has given us to do (John 17:4).

You may ask, “Does God have eternal, enduring assignments for me?” Yes, but the first “work of God” that is accomplished in us is not our work but His, that we “‘believe in Him whom He has sent'” (John 6:29). We must abandon all hope of finding true spiritual success apart from dependent, steadfast faith in the person and power of Christ.

This forsaking of our ideas to embrace simple obedience to Christ is the “work of God.” We must see that we cannot attain to the works of God unless we first become the workmanship of God, “For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them” (Eph. 2:10). At this very moment there are eternal, powerful works prepared for each of us. Yet, until we see that the Father’s highest purpose is to reveal in us the nature of Christ, we will not qualify for the power of Christ, which is God’s full endorsement on our lives.

If we will find the eternal works of God, we must know His eternal plan. He desires to bring the living Christ into each of us as individuals; then as Christ-filled individuals, we can transform our congregations. Finally, from the launching pad of a Christ-filled congregation, we will see things impacted and cleansed with the Spirit of His Son.

Satan has sought continually to hinder and delay this “summing up of all things in Christ” (Eph. 1:9-10). Yet such is our mission, and, in knowing the plan of God, such is our victory. Therefore, in battling for the soul of our cities and our nation, our victory is not in knowing how to command demons but in knowing the commander Himself. We triumph in being rightly aligned with the supreme plan of God, which is to fill all things with Christ.

Therefore, if we want to obtain the endorsement of God upon our lives, Jesus must become as real to us as the world was when we were sinners. He must become our mind, and we must become His obedient body. My prayer is that the vision of attaining the likeness of Christ will be branded upon all our hearts and that, as sincere followers of God’s Son, the Father Himself will back our lives with power for His purpose.


Adapted from When the Many are One by Francis Frangipane, copyright 2009, published by Charisma House. This book demonstrates how Christians of every color, culture and denomination can work together to transform our communities. It calls us back to oneness with Christ, so that the power and character of Christ will flow through us to bring transformation. To order a copy click on this link:

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