Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

And God said, unto Jacob, Arise, go up to Bethel, and dwell there: and make there an altar unto God, that appeared unto thee when thou fleddest from the face of Esau thy brother. —Genesis 35:1

God calls us to live a lifestyle with an altar always ready for sacrifice, always ready for instantaneous repentance.

When trouble comes, wherever you are and whatever situation or condition you are in, you always have two avenues of escape available to you.

First, there is the altar of sacrifice and repentance to God. Present yourself humbly before the Lord as a living sacrifice, eager to repent.

Second, after you have truly repented and changed your ways, renew your consecration and dedication daily through prayer and study of His Word.

Both these methods are available to you twenty-four hours a day. Don’t hesitate. Be willing at anytime to go back to Bethel and build an altar before the Lord. You will never climb upon an altar of God without the God of the altar showing up!

God, come to Bethel to meet with You.
You are my Bethel. To You I make every
sacrifice. I repent of sin and desire
to be cleansed by Your blood
this day. Amen.

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