Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

And when they wanted wine, the mother of Jesus saith unto him, They have no wine. —John 2:3

Signs and wonders are given to us to reveal Jesus’ glory, and for no other reason. John said that because of the miracle of turning the water into wine at the wedding at Cana, Jesus’ disciples then believed that He was the Messiah (John 2:11).

When Jesus arrived, He was met with mankind’s universal problem: They had no wine! Wine is always symbolic of joy in the Bible, and this is the area that always starts to deteriorate first as we face the day-to-day problems of life.

But what was Jesus’ action? First, He commanded the servants to bring the water pots to Him. As living vessels, we must first present ourselves in our current state, to the Lord.

Jesus then requested, “Fill the vessels to the brim.” If we will give Him what we are, He will change us into what we should be. If we will pour out all that we have—our dreams, our hopes, our plans for the future—He will fill us with joy unspeakable and full of His glory!

Jesus, I thirst for Your new wine in my
life. Refresh me. Make me new so that
I may contain Your new wine. Fill me
with unspeakable joy. Amen.

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