Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go, for to you I lift up my soul. —Psalm 143:8

Gazing at the heart of God is what made David a man after God’s heart. That’s what brought intimacy with God—intimacy that captivated him his entire life. Beholding and becoming does the same for us. By pressing into God’s heart through study and a personal pursuit of our relationship with Him, we become men and women after His heart. We experience what David experienced when he gazed upon the almost indescribable heart of God. I’m convinced that if we beheld what David beheld about God, we would live as he lived, and we would carry our hearts before God as he did. We would become different as a result. Without even thinking about it much, we would follow in the footsteps of this ancient, yet very modern, king. You see, David was no superman. The things he beheld in God’s heart are still there, available to you and me as they have been available throughout history for men and women who cared to pursue Him with all their might.


When I read the story of David, at times I feel inadequate to experience friendship with You as David experienced it. But that is the yearning of my heart. Let me be a person who lives in intimacy with You.

God invites you and me, right now, to behold the
very things David did.

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