Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

And Laban said, It must not be so done in our country, to give the younger before the first-born. —Genesis 29:26

Everything in the Bible is given to show us God’s order and purpose. Jacob tried to cut corners. He wanted to circumvent repentance and holiness in his quest for joy and happiness. Too often we want the reward without the labor, the honor without the fight. We desire gain without pain and victory without sacrifice.

We serve a God of plan and purpose, not one of short-cuts. Laban told Jacob he would have to marry the older sister, Leah, before he could marry Rebecca, the one he truly loved. It is easy to fall in love with happiness and joy, but there is a Leah of holiness our soul must learn to love first. We will never wear the crown if we do not first carry the cross.

Labor as Jacob did, in willing service to our Lord, as we await the wedding supper of the Lamb. When the time for the wedding feast arrives, Jesus will wash away the pain and toil of our labor.

Lord, You desire for certain things to
happen in my life that I know I am
resisting. Teach me to accept
whatever You want from me
so that I may know You and
Your will completely. Amen.

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