Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Whom have I in heaven but you? And earth has nothing I desire besides you. My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. —Psalm 73:25-26

Behind that ruddy face, deep inside that boy’s frame, was a heart unlike any the world had seen. It drew God’s attention away from the cosmos, away from the majesty of the cities and oceans and natural wonders of the world. Wouldn’t you love to feel His attention focused squarely on you? It happened to David. One day the Spirit of the Lord came upon the prophet Samuel and whispered in his ear, “I am replacing Saul, the rebellious king of Israel. I have found a young man who has a heart for Me. He wants the same things I want. He’s a young guitar player, and I really like him. He doesn’t even know I’ve heard his love songs in the night, but he has a heart that’s hungry for the things that fill My heart. I hear his voice, and I have taken note of him. I want you to tell him what I think about him.” In those sun-scorched, no-name fields behind Bethlehem, even before Samuel arrived, David was becoming a picture of the end-time church.


Do You see my heart, O God? It longs to hear Your voice, to see Your face, and to spend time in Your presence. All I want is You, Lord … just to be with You and to experience Your love for me.

Wouldn’t you love for your heart to catch God’s
eye as He looked upon creation?

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