Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with loving-kindness. —Jeremiah 31:3

Beloved, we will have divine satisfaction forever, discovering more of His beauty through endless ages. And we can begin now! Indeed, we must begin now, for the sake of what God would have us be. He wants us to be always caught up in fascination and to become confident in love before Him; then and only then does He reveal more of His sublime beauty to us. Take one step into this realm, and you find it’s impossible to exhaust His store of surprises; they unfold as you perceive more of His heart and as He reveals Himself to you in progressively greater measure. It’s like a walk through an endless garden of flowers, each kind more resplendent and inventive than the one before, each path leading to waterfalls and vistas ever more breathtaking to behold. All beauty on Earth is merely a reflection of Him; even the most beautiful thing you can think of will one day be swallowed up by the beauty of His heart like the beam of a flashlight in the intensity of a thousand suns.


Father, what awesome wonder awaits Your children in eternity. I cannot wait for You to take me by the hand and walk me through Your heaven. Your beauty will radiate forever, and I long to begin eternity with You.

The heart of God is a wonderland, a universe of
beauty like no place mankind could dream up.

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