Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Proverbs 19:17 Two of the treasures we can take to heaven when we die are people we have witnessed to and the Word of God we have hidden in our hearts. There is another way we can invest in God’s kingdom here on earth and at the same time add to our heavenly bank account. Today’s reading reveals this way. It says, “He who has pity on the poor lends to the Lord; and He will pay back what he is given.”

The thought that we can lend to God seems odd since God owns everything. He owns the cattle on a thousand hills. What need does He have for us to lend to Him? Most banks are happy to loan money to people. They know they will be paid back more than the amount of the loan because they add interest to the payments. Wouldn’t you love to find a bank that was willing for you to lend to it, and in return this bank would pay you back the amount you loaned and even more than you loaned? God is the corporate president of such a bank.

When we lend to God, we do not charge interest, but He pays us back abundantly with interest. We give directly to God when we offer sacrifices of worship, praise, our bodies for His use daily, our time and finances. We loan to God when we give to the poor. What we give to the poor, it is a loan to God because we become the instrument to bless someone who can never pay us back. Our loan is not to the person, because he cannot pay us back. But our loan is to God, and He pays us back. The treasure God receives when we lend to Him by giving to the poor is pure delight and joy when He sees how this poor person has been blessed by our generosity. Nothing makes God happier than to see the poor being fed and clothed by those who care in the body of Christ.

God was delighted on the day we gave pair of shoes to an Indian pastor who for his forty years on earth had gone barefoot. The moment this pastor put these shoes on, he ran and jumped and praised the Lord. I believe God was running and jumping right along with Him. God was rejoicing over that scene with singing and dancing. Today you may have an opportunity to lend to God by giving to the poor. The rewards of such a loan are beyond expression.

Lord, help me to lend to You by giving to the poor. I realize some people are poor spiritually because they have never known Your love. No one has invested the time it takes to share with them the gospel. Don’t allow me to miss out on any opportunities You may present to me today to lend to You by giving to those who are physically poor or spiritually poor. Amen.

READ: 1 Chronicles 26:12-27:34; Romans 4:14-5:2; Psalm 14:1-7; Proverbs 19:17

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