Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Psalm 5:1-12 Some people are morning people, and others are not. We have a Russian son whom I know not to talk to until he has had his first cup of coffee. People who are not morning people are usually a little resistant when they hear testimonies of people who spend their first waking hour with the Lord. To such people I share that they also can spend their first hour of the morning with the Lord because morning begins at midnight. Both the midnight hour and the later morning hours are precious to God.

David tells us in the psalm, “My voice shall You hear in the morning, O Lord; in the morning I will direct it to You, and will I look up” (v. 3).

If you are a night owl instead of a morning dove, you can be one of the first voices God hears in the morning if you begin your prayer time at one minute past twelve. Some people are just more keen and productive at night than in the early morning hours. Whether it be at midnight or six in the morning, God is intently listening for the sound of your voice. He can’t wait to hear your praises, worship and prayer requests. If you miss talking with God for a whole day, He misses your voice.

We forget sometimes that prayer is simply conversing with God. There are some people I just love to talk to. I’ve thought about why I enjoy my conversations with these people so much. Here are a few reasons I discovered.

1. They listen carefully to what I am saying.

2. They make comments about what I am saying.

3. They have interesting things to share with me.

4. The level of our conversation is always edifying.

After coming up with this list, I realized God’s conversations with me are even more edifying and rewarding than the people with whom I love to converse. So why do I put off my conversations with God? You might ask yourself the same question.

Lord, sometimes I feel I have to do battle daily to find that quiet time when I can converse with You. Forgive me for my busyness. Help me faithfully to direct my prayer to You in the morning while the house is quiet and I can hear Your voice more clearly. Help me not to miss out on these precious times with You.

READ: 1 Chronicles 4:5-5:17; Acts 25:1-27; Psalm 5:1-12; Proverbs 18:19

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