Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Your love, O Lord, reaches to the heavens, your faithfulness to the skies. Your righteousness is like the mighty mountains, your justice like the great deep. —Psalm 36:5-6

I don’t think it’s possible to outgrow the thrill, the wonder, the overwhelming certainty of being loved and enjoyed. It is the single experience all humans grope for and cling to in human relationships and with God. Knowing you are loved by another person fills your days with endless marvels, no matter what’s going on outside your heart. You go through problems as if they’re cotton candy. Your car breaks down and you think, “Big deal,” because somebody loves you. You lose your wallet, get caught in traffic, and forget the milk in the trunk all in the same day, but you don’t even care because in your heart is that lamp lit with the strong power of love. You know that, should all else fail, you have this most important thing. God created us to be this way. He put deep longings to be loved inside of us. We were designed down to our DNA to live in spiritual pleasure of being enjoyed not just by other humans but also by Him.


Loving You, and knowing how much You love me, has transformed my life into a wondrous adventure of pleasing You. I was born to praise You, I was born to love You, and I was born to fulfill Your purpose for my life.

Mere knowledge of love makes life a little more
bearable in the midst of the world’s madness,
but feeling love turns life into an utterly
pleasurable adventure.

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