Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Remember several years ago when Janet Jackson and Justin Timberlake were performing at the Super Bowl Half-Time Show, and he ripped off her costume exposing her chest to nearly 90 million viewers?

The performance caused uproar in the public arena over indecency on TV, and led to bills being passed increasing fines against broadcasters that violate decency standards. But despite federal regulations, the push to saturate our kids’ minds with sexually explicit content and products is alive and well in our culture.

The assault on young girls is especially heinous. I was taken aback the other day when I walked into a store and saw racy underwear on sale for girls as young as 5 years old. It’s only a matter of time before our sex-crazed society causes kindergarteners to lose their innocence.

I thought I would talk about this issue because Pure Freedom, a ministry founded by Dannah Gresh that promotes modesty and sexual purity among young girls, sent me a petition created by Dannah and other leaders concerned with the exploitation of young girls by the fashion industry and advertisers. The petition calls on Fashion Designers of America and Footwear Manufacturer’s Association to create age-appropriate clothing for girls and stop producing sexually explicit advertisements.

It’s important to take a stand because clothing says a lot about what a girl thinks of herself. Let’s help our kids develop a positive self image based on God’s Word.

I know some Christians think it’s old fashioned to tell their daughter the crop top she has on looks sprayed on. They think it’s legalistic to talk about what not to wear, but the Bible tells us to dress in “modest apparel.”

A young girl’s self image is strongly shaped by what she sees and hears at home and the culture in which she lives. And I believe it is up to us to make sure our kids’ wardrobes reflect His image.

To sign the Fashion Petition or get more information, e-mail Eileen King at [email protected].

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