Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Proverbs 17:4-5 This proverb shares how God looks at the poor. Anyone who mocks the poor reproaches God. “He who mocks the poor reproaches his Maker; he who is glad at calamity will not go unpunished” (v. 5).

God sees the poor as His treasures. Whenever we speak against anyone on this earth, we are speaking against God. You’ve heard the expression, “God does not make any junk.” I cannot stand when I hear derogatory words spoken against people who are of lesser means than others. You’ve probably heard the expression “white trash.” I hate that expression because people are not trash; they are God’s priceless treasures.

In our travels throughout the world, some of the happiest and most blessed people I ever met would be considered by our standards to be dirt poor. I’ll never forget giving a pair of shoes to an evangelist in India. It was the first pair of shoes he ever owned. He put his new shoes on and danced round and round in them. He was forty years old. When we were in Mexico I recall the beautiful humility and love of these Mexican people who often were without even water to drink. They were so grateful for everything we gave them, and they always asked if they could do something for us in return. We gave a blanket to one man, and he in turn gave it to his daughter.

It was the only blanket the entire family had ever owned. Some of the Mexican people in the remote villages never took a shower because of the lack of water, but daily they experienced the showers of God’s blessings. His blessings did not come to them as material things, but as eternal things like joy, love, peace and fulfillment.

In contrast, some of the saddest people I ever met were men and women of great wealth. I recall visiting a home where our host took great pride in all of the priceless treasures he and his wife had purchased in their travels all over the world. I never heard him mention any of his family members or speak of the people he met on these travels. Things seemed to be much more important to him than people. There was such an emptiness in this house even though it was filled with priceless treasures. As I left this man’s home I thought, All the treasures he possessed will one day be ashes, but the poor people we met in India and Mexico will last forever. Those who know the Lord will live forever. Even though their bodies will turn to dust or ashes, their soul and spirit will live eternally, and one day they will receive a resurrected body.

I trust you fill your life with God’s priceless treasures daily. Handle them with care and love.

Lord, forgive me if I have ever looked down on the poor. You never look down on people, but instead You humble yourself to see the hearts of men whether rich or poor. Help me to see the hidden treasure in the hearts of all those I meet today. Amen.

READ: 1 Kings 11:1-12:19; Acts 9:1-25; Psalm 131:1-3; Proverbs 17:4-5

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