Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Psalm 127:1-5 One of the seminars I teach is called “BUILDING A FAMILY FOR GOD.” I wrote a short book about this, and many of the principles I share in this book and seminar are presented in this psalm.

The first step in building a family for God is surrender. We have to realize that our children are lent to us by the Lord, and we are only stewards of them during their lifetime. They are God’s inheritance and His special treasures, so we have to handle them with care. We also have to understand that God loves our children even more than we do and that we can trust Him to take care of them even when we are not on the scene.

The reality of God’s ownership of my children sank in when I thought I might die young and leave my small children without my guidance in their lives. This thought struck fear in my heart, and I was tormented with it for weeks. One morning after battling with this fear all night long, I finally asked the Lord about the thought. I asked the Lord, “Is this thought of dying young from You, from me or from the devil?” The answer I received in my spirit was not at all what I expected. The Lord spoke to my heart the following: “So what if you did die young? Don’t you believe that I would be able to keep your children in the center of My will all of their days on earth and I could fulfill through them all I desire without your being present?”

My heart was overwhelmed as I meditated on the question the Lord was asking me. He was asking me if I trusted Him with my children. I had to repent of my controlling ways and ask God to forgive me for not trusting Him with my children. Whenever we are controlling, this is a sure sign that we are not trusting the Lord. Whenever we are in fear, we also know that we are not trusting Him. That morning I gave my three sons to God, and on that morning I died. No, I did not die physically, but I died to my possessiveness of my children. I died to the control and manipulation I often demonstrated in the rearing of my children. I died to all my plans for my children and desired only God’s plans for them. I died to the pride within me that said, “I have to parent them all of their lives so they can turn out the right way.” Kingdom work was done that day, and from that day forward I knew God would be a much better parent than I ever could and He would be faithful to see my children through every trial. Much of my attempts to build a house for God was just vanity until I surrendered totally to the Lord. All three boys are serving the Lord faithfully and teaching their children to do the same. My husband and I give all the glory to God. “Unless the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain who build it.”

Lord, help me to always hold lightly all You have given me on this earth and to faithfully hold tightly to You. Amen.

READ: 1 Kings 5:1-6:38; Acts 7:1-29; Psalm 127:1-5; Proverbs 16:28-30


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