Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Psalm 121:1-8 What a comfort to know I have a keeper. We all need a keeper—a protector, provider and problem solver. Those who are blessed with good parents had the experience of the safety of a peaceful, loving home. I can remember the secure feeling I had when my dad came home from work and everyone was settled in our home for the night. I knew if we had any problems, Dad could handle them. I can remember my mother tucking me in at night. She used two giant safety pins to pin my covers down so I would not kick them off in the night. I went to sleep knowing the safety of a warm bed that would stay warm all night. My parents were good keepers, and they saw to my every need. I also have been blessed with a wise husband who keeps our checkbook balanced and sees to the financial, physical and spiritual needs of our home. He has been a wonderful keeper of me for over forty years, and I really need a keeper.

There are those, however, who have not had the blessing of good keepers in their lives. Some may have experienced a childhood of abuse or neglect. Some may have married unwisely a person who does not honor and cherish them. The good news is there is a place of safety for those who have had a lack or provision and protection. There is a keeper who will keep them and who in reality has kept them all of their lives.

We all have a keeper who is able to not only protect, provide and preserve us in this life, but also in the life to come and for all eternity. His name is Jesus. He is the keeper of our souls. The Bible tells us He is the bishop of our souls. Jesus will anchor your soul (mind, will and emotions) securely in hope even in the stormiest times of your life. As bishop of our souls, He is not so far above us that He cannot identify with us. He was tempted in all points even as we are, and He was touched with the feelings of all of our weaknesses. The Bible tells us He knows our every weakness; therefore, He is able to succor us (rescue us) when we go through temptations, trials and testings (Heb. 2:18). He is always there to provide a way of escape when things get overwhelming. He is our door of hope. He is our door to safety. David writes, “My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth. He will not allow your foot to be moved: he who keeps you will not slumber. Behold, He who keeps Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep. The Lord is your keeper: the Lord is your shade at your right hand” (vv. 2-5).

He goes on in this psalm to describe the preserving and protecting power of the Lord. He is able to protect us from the sun, preserve us from evil and preserve our going and coming. He preserves our soul not only now, but forever more. Sometimes when we go through rough times, we think no one cares, especially if we live alone. Jesus cares, and He will keep you.

READ: 2 Samuel 20:14-22:20; Acts 1:1-26; Psalm 121:1-8; Proverbs 16:18

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