Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

As long as it is day, we must do the work of him who sent me. Night is coming, when no one can work. —John 9:4-5

God wants you to be a working lover. Who you are is the lover, and what you do is the work. You are not to be only a worker who struggles to love God. Instead, you are a lover of God. Being lovers is our very identity. It’s who we are. We are lovers of God who happen to work, not the other way around. In a fallen world, we want to do something in order to be someone. With God, exactly the opposite is true. God wants us to be lovers so that we do work. It is extremely important that what we do flows out of who we are. It is also important that we do not live from the self-centered motivation of trying to be something and seeking to achieve more. With minds that are not renewed, we work to feel important and to appear significant in the eyes of others. God expects just the opposite of that. We are not first warriors; we are first a bride. We are first lovers, and then we do the acts of war.


Lord, it is an understanding of Your great love that motivates me to war against the enemy for the souls of the lost. My love compels me to bring others to You.

God wants us to be something before
He wants us to do something.

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