Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Catch the Fire Ministries

This new documentary chronicles the history of the Toronto Blessing. This revival began at Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship (TACF) in January 1994, and many people experienced the power of God. On this new DVD we hear stories of how the Holy Spirit moved and people were healed, set free and delivered.

Several leaders share how they were on the verge of ministerial burnout, ready to leave the ministry altogether.

But in God’s perfect timing, He brought them to these meetings, and energized, anointed and empowered them to continue the work He had called them to. Ministers such as Heidi Baker and Bill Johnson tell how God refreshed them and enabled them to take His power back to their homes.

John and Carol Arnott, founding pastors of TACF, say millions of people came to the church, and millions more have been affected by this outpouring of the Holy Spirit. The fruits of this revival are in the lives that were changed, and the most moving testimonies are those lives that changed—at home. Fathers and husbands didn’t even realize they had been transformed, but they had become more loving, more kind and more affectionate toward their families.

This movie reflects what God did through this revival of the Holy Spirit. But the Arnotts encourage Christians to believe that the well is not dry. They say: “God is filling the earth with His glory, and it will be the men and women of faith that lead the way. This video testimony will inspire you to be one of those ‘on fire,’ ‘faith-filled’ leaders.”

To purchase Fruits of Revival, click here.

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