Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

The Lord appeared to us in the past, saying: “I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with loving-kindness.” —Jeremiah 31:3

Many believers have a distorted view of God. If you press the average believer, he will say, “I know that God has total authority, and I know He means well, but I do not know how He feels. He seems a little distant in His emotions.” God is often viewed as a strict coach who is trying to discipline us by calling us to hard things and by letting difficult things happen to us. Others view Him as an exacting judge, always trying to catch us in our sin and never getting emotional until we fail—and then He gets angry. Many look at God as a type of army sergeant who will sacrifice us for the sake of the cause. They see Him saying, “Oh, well, it’s OK if I lose a few along the way, so long as the cause goes forward.” Beloved, this distortion is very different from the God of the Bible.


Father, like so many others, I often have had a distorted picture of who You are. Remove my distorted thinking, dear God, and allow me to see You as You are revealed in Your Word.

We think He calls us to be disciples just so His cause
will be promoted, never realizing that His heart
burns with desire for us.

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