Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

If I do the right thing I will receive positive results! Has that been your thinking in the past? Have you noticed that right actions do not always bring immediate positive results? Too many times we think that if our actions are ethical the results will produce the approval of others. I know friends who have made noble choices and have paid a great price for their integrity. On more than one occasion, my friend Diane has chosen not to “cook the books” for some well-known corporations. As a result, Diane has lost jobs.

Years later a man expressed his gratefulness to Diane. He had turned his life around because he watched her walk through those work situations with integrity. You are affecting more people than you realize. People may make negative remarks about you. They may even try to intimidate you because you will not play their games. Yet there are also people looking for someone who will not be swayed by compromise. They are looking for someone who lives what they talk.

Your actions today may not bring the immediate results you were hoping for. Give yourself some time. Today is not the end of your life. Tomorrow someone may acknowledge you as a person of integrity. Make a decision today not to give in to compromise. The right company, group or individual is looking for an ethical person like you. Don’t be impatient. Do the right thing and watch as the right results follow!

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