Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Declarations for 2009 and Beyond

James W. Goll

Editor’s Note: The following word was released by prophetic minister James Goll earlier this year. For a free MP3 download, go to and click on “Prophetic Insights.”

James W. Goll

I trust the few thoughts I share below will encourage your heart and stir up your faith. We see in part and prophesy in part—and this is a part of what I am seeing and hearing in the Spirit for 2009 and beyond. I trust it will mesh with the part the Lord is showing you!

It is the year of the woman. Women in ministry and leadership will be released globally across the body of Christ. The two righteous seeds of Michal Ann Goll and Jill Austin have been sown into the ground, and there will be a harvest of women in both spiritual and secular leadership arising to be champions of the poor, justice, prayer and creativity and flowing freely as the prophetic anointing increases.

It is a time when the nine gifts and the nine fruits of the Spirit will come together. Character to carry the gifts will be emphasized, and accountability that empowers will help create new wineskins for the new wine.

It is a time when love will have a say. Ministerial groups will freshly come together, promoting the love of God versus a political system of competition. Love L.A.! Love Phoenix! Love Minneapolis! Love Atlanta! Love Dallas! Love New York! Love Seattle! Love Cleveland! Love Nashville! Love (name your city)! LOVE! LOVE! LOVE! One morning I heard the Holy Spirit singing to me, “All we need is love!”

It is the time of the realignment of the nations for good and evil. Territorial spirits of darkness are realigning themselves. Some of the old dark ways of communism are beginning to resurface in both old and new places, wedded with strong totalitarianism and militant Islam. Be alert and watchful!

It is the time when Israel will become a heavy stone. It is the time of Zechariah 12:1-3, when Jerusalem becomes a heavy stone for all who touch her in an ungodly manner. The jealousy of God will arise against those nations who attempt to divide Jerusalem. What God has joined together, let no man separate!

It is the time when the Josephs are released from prison. Men and women tried in the fiery furnaces of testing will begin to emerge in this hour across the nations of the earth. They will have the spirit of wisdom and excellence resting on their lives. Humility will be their outstanding characteristic.

It is a time for property procurement. For some, it is a time to purchase property, land and gold. It is a time when wise investments now will pay off later. Whole strip malls and department stores will go up for sale, and the discerning and wise will purchase property (in certain situations) for a dime on the dollar.

It is a time when … justice writers will be released throughout the nations. This will become more than the latest theme or fad in the body of Christ. Even as the Wesleyans had their circuit riders, there will now be global justice writers who through the influence of the pen will undo the injustices of the past.

It is a time when the church will receive the spirit of adoption. We will receive a spirit of adoption that will cause us to enjoy and embrace people from backgrounds that are different from what we are accustomed to. New faith-based adoption agencies will come into being, bringing about a solution to the abortion industry.

It is a time when a major turn is taken to begin the end of the worldwide child sex-trade slavery industry. I have seen a major sex-trade slavery ring being broken up for the glory of God in southeast Asia. This will have ripple effects around the world, and the dominos will begin to tumble! God has on His heart a movement in which “every child has a dream fulfilled.”

It is a time for the resurrection of the dead, both physically and spiritually. Yes, this is the time for the resurrection of the dead. Whole churches that have been given up for “dead” spiritually will be revived through the spirit of prophecy and intercession. And people will be physically raised from the dead in various locations; the news will spread, and the world will marvel.

It is a time when the Holy Spirit will give out wings for you to fly higher than you have ever been before. I hear the Holy Spirit saying, “Soar to new heights!” Yesterday’s seeming defeats will be turned into tomorrow’s peaks. It is time to fly higher than you have ever flown before. New heights of delighting in God are yours through authentic, pure worship.

It is a time when the connection between Revelation 3:20 and Revelation 4:1 is seen and manifested. The key of intimacy to open heavens is being offered. Some will take this for themselves as individuals and some for their congregations. But the Lord is looking for those who will answer the knock at the door for an entire city or region and welcome a glorious invasion of divine visitation.

It it a time for spontaneous healings to break forth in the atmosphere of high praise. Electric praise will come forth, and the hand of God will be released to move across entire assemblies, and spontaneous healings and miracles will break out. It is break-out time for the Holy Spirit wherever high praises are released from His people!

About the author: James W. Goll is the co-founder, with his late wife, Michal Ann, of Encounters Network (; the director of PrayerStorm; and the coordinator for Encounters Alliance, a coalition of leaders. He travels nationally and internationally, teaching on the subjects of intercession, prophetic ministry and life in the Spirit. Goll is also the author of several books, including Prayer Storm (Destiny Image), Prophetic Intercessor and The Coming Israel Awakening (both Chosen Books). He and his wife wrote Angelic Encounters, published by Charisma House, before her passing.

Prophetic Insight is a weekly bulletin offering timely and relevant messages for the body of Christ from recognized prophetic voices. It is prepared by Maureen Eha, features editor for Charisma magazine. If you’d like to share a message with Maureen, send it to [email protected]. And please spread the good news by sending this e-newsletter to your friends.

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