Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

… and have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its Creator. —Colossians 3:10

We can draw a very important principle about personal renewal from this verse. It is key to your own personal renewal and to ushering others into wholehearted commitment to the Lord as well. A genuine understanding of the knowledge of the personality of God is probably the area in which the church is most lacking. Something awakens inside of us when we know what God is like. He designed us so that our spirits will dull when we have a void of the knowledge of God’s beauty. Our spirits will become progressively more dull and callous if we are not coming into regular, fresh contact with the Word of God where the Holy Spirit reveals to us what God is like.


Birth in me a genuine understanding of Your personality, God. I want to know You, what You are like, what You desire, and what Your vision is for my life and for this world.

The knowledge of the personality of God—the knowledge
of what God is like—will win your friends
and loved ones to the Lord.

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