Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

The path to the higher realms of the Spirit has always led through the barren wilderness. It is there we realize the desperate hunger and thirst within that only God can satisfy.

Read Ps. 42, Ps. 63:1-5, Is. 43:16-21, Jer. 29:11-13, Acts 2

Heart Issue

Greater revelation brings a greater desire to please God. Are you contented with what He has revealed to you about Himself? Do you fear the responsibilities that will come with more knowledge? Can God trust you to trust Him?

Prayer Focus

Father, where there is little hunger for You, provoke us. Shake us out of our complacency and into the reality of our dire need for more of Your presence, power and anointing. To every trembling heart, Lord, manifest Your comfort and peace. Bring an assurance of Your strength and Your enabling, which will undergird us in every calling and test. Help us not to shrink back from fear or give in to weariness. Empower us to press on and possess all that You have for us. Amen.

Brenda J. Davis is acquisitions editor of Creation House.

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