Fri. Sep 20th, 2024
Rick Warren

Rick Warren
One of the things I do on the Strang Report is pass along information that comes to me on a daily basis. Recently both Rick Warren (pictured) and Joel Osteen were on Larry King Live. Larry King is well known for inviting Christian leaders to be on his show and then baiting them.

In what must have been an effort to be conciliatory, both Warren and Osteen made statements that liberals are taking as a sign that the Christian movement is moving leftward. It’s bringing howls of protests from some Christian leaders on the right becuase they feel betrayed by two of the most respected and highest profiled christian leaders.

I read the protests about Osteen before I watched what he actually said. I feel that he was trying to be conciliatory, but that he also stood up for his values in a setting where you either come across as being totally strident or a compromiser. Appearing on Larry King Live is almost a no-win situation for a Christian leader.

However I have noticed that many of the leaders of the so-called Christian right are quick to condemn a leader who is not strident in whatever particular issue is at hand. For this reason many who agree with our side are hesitant to speak out lest they appear to be extremists.

More troubling was Warren’s statements that almost could be interpreted as being neutral on the issue of gay marriage, almost making it sound as if he didn’t support Proposition 8, the item that defined marriage between one man and one woman in California’s constitution.

Leaders such as Pastor Jim Garlow, who helped lead the fight in California, were astounded by the comments and even Gov. Mike Huckabee discussed it on his program over the weekend.

I have a great deal of respect for Warren, and I have been trying to reach him to get a comment before I editorialize about what he said. But I admit that some of the comments he made were troubling and I urge him to clarify the statements more than he has.

You can watch the video for yourself here. What do you think?



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