Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Joshua 13:1-14:15 Caleb was forty years old when Moses sent Joshua, him and others to spy out the land of Canaan. Joshua and Caleb were the only two who came back with a good report and were the only two adult men who survived the wilderness experience for forty years. They survived because they were men of faith. God honored their faith by granting them the privilege of entering into the Promised Land. Without faith it is impossible to please God, and nothing pleases God more than to see a man of faith. Caleb was a great man of faith.

Faith is acting upon what God has said is true. Faith is seeing things as God sees them. Faith is believing, receiving and acting upon all God has promised. When Caleb was eighty-five years old, he was still a man of faith. He saw the mountain he wanted, and he was bold enough to ask for it.

The faith that pleases God asks God for great things, things that in the natural would seem impossible. Notice Caleb made his appeal to Joshua for this mountain based upon his past record of obedience to the Lord. He said about himself, “I wholly followed the Lord my God.” Many presumptuously ask God for big things, but they do not receive them because they have not fulfilled a very important condition—obedience to God’s Word. Others ask God for big things, and they do not receive them because they ask amiss with a desire to fulfill their own lusts.

Caleb also based his request for the mountain on what Moses had promised him. He reminded Joshua of how Moses swore on that day Joshua and Caleb gave their good report that they would possess the land wherever they had trodden.

In order to possess this mountain, Caleb had to conquer it. He was eighty-five years old, but he had confidence in the strength the Lord had given him over the years. He told Joshua that he would be able to drive out the enemies on the mountain and possess it. Joshua granted Caleb’s request, and Caleb did take the mountain. The mountain was in an area now called Hebron, where all the patriarchs are buried. It is symbolic for Abraham, the father of our faith, to be buried in the specific place where Joshua and Caleb first tread. Caleb finally possessed the mountain and drove out the most feared enemies of Israel—the Anakims, who were giants.

Is there a mountain you want to claim as your own today? This mountain is something that in the natural seems insurmountable to you. You can ask God to let you climb and claim this mountain. Remember, however, a battle may await you and you will have to drive out the enemies who have formerly possessed this mountain. Has Satan robbed you of something that you want to reclaim? You have the power and authority to drive him off what rightfully belongs to you because of the cross of Jesus Christ. According to your faith be it done unto you.

READ: Joshua 13:1-14:15; Luke 18:1-17; Psalm 85:1-13; Proverbs 13:7-8

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