Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Deuteronomy 34:1-Joshua 2:24 So many seek success and desire to prosper. Financial seminars are held to teach people how to invest and make the most of their money. Training seminars on selling yourself to the interviewer are attended by those who desire to advance in the business world. The Lord sees prosperity and success totally opposite of the way the world sees it.

To be successful in God’s sight one must do the will of the Father. God is one who promotes and demotes. The most successful person in God’s sight is the one who is a servant to many. The way up is the way down in the sight of the God. The person who humbles himself will be exalted.

I heard a wonderful definition of prosperity once. Prosperity is having enough to meet your own needs and to give to others. Money in God’s sight is only a means of exchange. The real treasures in God’s sight are people in His kingdom who are righteous and have peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. These treasures are eternal. We are prosperous in God’s sight when we enter into His kingdom and when we share His kingdom with others.

So many spend their whole life climbing the ladder of success, only to find in the end they have been climbing the wrong ladder. The ladder of worldly success causes the one climbing to step on others to make it to the top. The ladder God wants us to climb causes us to lift up others in order to make it to the top. We have to esteem others higher than ourselves or God will never consider our lives as successful.

When asked how he would have spent his time better on earth, a dying man replied, “I wish I had spent more time with my family and friends and reading God’s Word and less time watching TV, playing golf and working.” This man realized he had been climbing the wrong ladder.

Lord, forgive me for climbing the wrong ladder of success. I want to climb Your ladder of success. Forgive me for times I spent on the golf greens or watching TV instead of spending time with those I love. Help me to share Your good news with others and help me begin to meditate on Your Word day and night. I know when I do this I will be making an investment of time that will go with me into eternity.

READ: Deuteronomy 34:1-Joshua 2:24; Luke 13:23-14:6; Psalm 79:1-13; Proverbs 12:26

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