Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Awake, O north wind, and come, wind of the south; make my garden breathe out fragrance, let its spices be wafted abroad. May my beloved come into his garden and eat its choice fruits. —Song of Solomon 4:16, NAS

As the Lord lavishes His love upon the maiden, she breaks out with one of the great prayers of the Song of Solomon. The north wind communicates the cold, bitter winds of winter, and the south wind is the warm, refreshing wind that comes during the sowing of the seed and the summer season of growth. The bride asks for both winds. She asks for the harsh north wind to blow on her in order to reveal what is in her heart, but she also asks for the blessing and refreshing of the south wind.


Father, give me courage to ask for the north winds of winter to come into my life as well as the warm, refreshing winds of harvest. Sow Your seeds of blessing during the winters of my life, and allow me to praise You for the harvest.

We never outgrow our need for the
south winds of blessing.

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