Tue. Sep 17th, 2024

For the land, whither thou goest in to possess it-.-.-.-is a land of hills and valleys, and drinketh water of the rain of heaven. —Deuteronomy 11:10-11

God was preparing His people for the land of hills and valleys, ups and downs. He was in charge. God had delivered them from Egyptian slavery, pagan religion, and bondage. The past was finished. Newness was coming.

Now God is preparing you. You can walk in the rain. You can drink from an ever-flowing well. You can leave the desert and the dry season. The past is forgiven, and the chains of bondage are broken.

At times the drought seems like it will never end. It appears that the night will last forever. Look forth, the morning is coming. You will be fair as the moon and as clear as the sun. I know you don’t feel like it now, but feelings are not reality. The truth you stand on is not your feelings, not what the preacher preaches, not what any creed claims. Your truth is God’s Word. He says that you will look forth as the morning and march terrible as an army with banners (Song of Solomon 6:10).

Exchange your dry season for the season of His rain, refreshing, and renewing. Exchange your defeat for victory as a mighty army marching to vanquish every foe.

Lord Jesus, prepare me for Your rain.
Pour out living water on me.
Refresh me and fill me from Your
fountains that will never run dry. Amen.

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