Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

German Government Says Scientology Not a Real Religion

German Government Says Scientology Not a Real Religion
German officials recently announced that they will seek to ban the Los Angeles-based religion in their country.
German Government Says Scientology Not a Real Religion
Scientology has attracted many Hollywood elites such as Tom Cruise and John Travolta. But at least one group isn’t impressed by the burgeoning religion: German officials.
According to the Associated Press (AP) earlier this year the countries officials initially refused to allow Cruise’s movie to film at a site in Germany.
Recently they went a step further, announcing that they will seek to ban the Los Angeles-based religion in their country.
The German government considers Scientology as a commercial enterprise that preys on gullible citizens and not as a legitimate religion the AP reports.
Sabine Weber, president of the Church of Scientology in Berlin, has a different take on the decision.
“It is very, very clear that the true picture of Scientology is about pushing its way through,” she said. “The interior ministers are clearly reacting to that.”

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