Sat. Sep 21st, 2024

New Prayer Effort for Obama Begins

The Presidential Prayer Team piloted by John Lind has launched a 77-day campaign for Barack Obama and the nation leading up to Inauguration Day.
New Prayer Effort for Obama 
[11.11.08] The leader of an Arizona-based ministry is asking Christians to commit themselves to praying for a smooth transition for Barack Obama, the nation’s first African-American president-elect.
More than 40,000 people have signed up so far for 77 Days of Prayer for Our New President, a post-election e-mail initiative that sends participants a scripture and prayer point each day through Inauguration Day on Jan. 20.
“I hope that each person who participates in our 77-day initiative develops a passionate heart of prayer for Barack Obama and his administration, whether they voted for him or not, regardless of political affiliation,” said John Lind, president of the Presidential Prayer Team (PPT).
“Our responsibility as Christians is … to pray for those God has placed in authority over us, interceding for their wisdom, insight and protection,” he said. “It is our joy and honor before God to do this. We have been preparing for a new administration for more than two years and are excited to lead our members into a new season of prayer.”
The 77-day effort comes on the heels of the PPT’s 40 Days to Pray the Vote, which also eschewed partisanship in order to pray for both presidential candidates and their campaigns.
The PPT Web site states that the main concern for those participating in the current initiative should be first “worship of our Holy God” and then intercession for the specified prayer point.
On Monday, day six of the prayer campaign, believers were urged to pray for President-elect Obama to be “genuinely humbled before God as he faces the daunting task of leading our nation for the next four years.”
Today, we ask that You would empower our new president to revere You,” the prayer stated, “putting aside all pride and self-centeredness as he acknowledges who You are and what You wish to accomplish through him. Show him that for him to be honored, he must humble himself before You.”
Lind told Charisma he believes America is moving into a new chapter of history and requires prayer now more than ever. “We need to understand this,” he said. “We’re building a new, exciting track of prayer for President-elect Obama and Vice President-elect Biden and all who will be a part of their administration.”
In addition to praying “appropriately and caringly” for President-elect Obama, Lind said prayer would also faithfully continue for President George W. Bush until he leaves office.
“This is [an] excellent time to be people of prayer … during this critical time of transition—not only for the White House, but for our country,” he said.
“There is a need for unity in our country, and it’s been my experience that the chasm of division is bridged by prayer.”   —Paul Steven Ghiringhelli

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