Sat. Oct 5th, 2024
by Janet Maccaro, PH.D.
At a Glance
* Go to bed early
* Sleep in when possible
* Listen to soothing, relaxing music
* Spend time weekly with a friend
* Eliminate energy vampires
* Develop a grateful attitude
* Make time for daily prayer.
Are you stressed out? Worried about the things you have not yet completed? Fearful of never catching up? You're not alone. Many people in our society are living in a continual state of bondage to things unaccomplished, goals not reached and expectations not met. They struggle with an inner restlessness that robs them of sleep, contentment, joy and, ultimately, their health.

Frustration and humiliation from failed attempts to accomplish too much take a heavy toll on us. It has been proved time and again that too much stress means less success personally and professionally.

If you've experienced the truth of this statement, I offer the following thought: God gives you no more work to do than He fully equips you to accomplish. Rest in that fact and be confident in it. What freedom it is to know that God gave you the desires of your heart and equipped you with everything you need to fulfill them according to His purpose!


Stress melts and tension slips away when you realize God is there in every situation. Yield yourself to Him.

On a physical level, the stress of trying to accomplish too much can affect the health of your adrenal glands. These glands help your body manage stress. They affect your energy levels and ability to recover from illness and have an impact on every tissue, organ and gland in your body.

Adrenal fatigue has become a silent epidemic because of the lifestyle choices many people–especially those who tend to be perfectionists–make. They do not rest and relax enough to enjoy life, they are under constant pressure with few outlets for emotional release, they take in large amounts of caffeine and sugar just to keep going, their diets are high in refined and processed foods, and they stay up late even when they are exhausted.

Other factors that drain the adrenals are outside our control: severe emotional trauma, loss of a job, major surgery, divorce, death in the family, chronic illness, and relocation away from family or friends.

It is possible for people with adrenal fatigue to feel unwell for years. They typically have low blood pressure, low blood sugar, and food allergies or sensitivities. They also have a hard time getting up in the morning, experience foggy, fuzzy thinking and constantly feel run down.

If you suspect that you are suffering from adrenal fatigue, try this test to help you determine the severity of the condition: Lie down quietly and after 10 minutes take your blood pressure while still in the lying position. Then stand up and immediately take your blood pressure again.

Normally, blood pressure will rise 10-20 points when you stand up. If it drops instead, you may need to focus on your adrenal health. The more severe the drop, the more help your adrenals need.

Make sure you are well-hydrated on the day you perform the test. If not, you may get a false reading. If your adrenal function is low, you may also be dizzy or lightheaded when you stand.

The following products may help to boost adrenal function: vitamin C, vitamin E (mixed tocopherols), B complex, pantothenic acid, magnesium, calcium, licorice root, gingko biloba, adrenal glandular supplement (bovine) and progesterone cream (for women, especially during premenopausal years).

Lifestyle changes may help as well. Try to incorporate the following activities into your life:

* Go to bed early
* Sleep in when possible
* Listen to soothing, relaxing music
* Spend time weekly with a friend
* Eliminate energy vampires
* Develop a grateful attitude
* Make time for daily prayer.

Finally, don't try to do all you have to do in one day! Remember, God “gives power to those who are tired and worn out; He offers strength to the weak. But those who wait on the Lord will find new strength. They will fly high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint” (Is. 40:29,31, NLT).

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