Sat. Sep 21st, 2024

The Unadulterated Move of God

Matt Sorger, founder of Matt Sorger Ministries, recently received a prophetic message for the body of Christ at a service in Chesapeake, Va. He believes the Holy Spirit told him that the next move of God will be a “clear-water revival” not tainted by human flesh, in which God will remove all areas of compromise and raise up a new breed of pure-hearted believers.

The Holy Spirit spoke very expressly to me tonight. When I stood in the office before coming into the room tonight I heard the inner audible voice of the Spirit of God speak to me a word for tonight. But as I sat in this seat, I was taken in the Spirit. And the Lord spoke a very clear word that I want to declare right now.

Holy Spirit said to me that He’s releasing a “clear-water revival.” And He spoke it over and over and over again to me–clear water, clear water, clear water, clear water–He’s releasing a “clear-water revival.” … The Lord said that He is releasing a “clear-water revival” and that this move of the Spirit will not be tainted by the flesh of man.
And then He spoke to me and He said that tonight is a night of crossing over. He said that tonight the church is crossing over into a new season. And the Lord said, “Mark this date in your Bible; mark it on your calendar.”

Tonight we have crossed over into a new season in the Spirit, and the Lord said from this moment forward, black will become very black and white will become very white. And the Lord said He is removing the grey areas. Black will become very black and white will become very white. He said there’s coming a great polarization even within the body of Christ.

He says this very night something has been set in motion in the spiritual realm. And it’s bigger than just this meeting. It’s over the body of Christ in America. Something has been set in motion tonight in the spiritual realm.
And what I sense also in my heart is that there’s a new wineskin that God’s raising up; there’s a new wineskin [the] Holy Spirit is forming. You know years ago–16 years ago–[the] Holy Spirit spoke to me that there’s a new breed that God’s raising up. See God started to prepare a new breed 16 years ago. We’re coming into a season of release right now. New wineskins are going to be released and raised up, and there are going to be new apostolic works birthed in the earth. They’re already being birthed right now. And the wineskin is going to look very, very different.
There’s wells of revivals that God is opening up within cities right now. And I have a feeling that this word I’m speaking tonight is a whole lot bigger than what we’re seeing in this room. I’m telling you the truth.

I saw it clearly as I’ve seen anything in the Spirit tonight. There is a supernatural polarization that is being loosed in the spirit realm. … Grey areas are about to be dealt with. There is coming a new housecleaning to the body of Christ. There is a supernatural housecleaning coming to the body of Christ. And every single grey area of compromise is about to be swept clean.

Because the Lord said that this is a clear-water revival. This is going to be very clean and pure. Very clean and pure. Pristine water. Pristine water. It’s going to be unlike anything the world has ever seen before. Very pristine water, crystal, crystal clear. Because God has been preparing over the last 16 years a new breed that will be ready to carry and flow with this move of the Spirit of God.

They have been hidden away in caves. These vessels have been hidden away in caves. And God has been working a pure, refined heart and spirit on the inside of them. God has been working a pure, refined heart of gold on the inside of them. And God has been causing step by step their hearts to be turned away from the things of this world toward the things of His Spirit. Step by step God has been dealing. Step by step God has been refining. Step by step God has been causing hearts of pure gold to come forth to be prepared, so that this move of God can be sustained in the earth.

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