Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Mark 11:1-26 The question often is asked, “Why are some prayers never answered?” The answer to this question is that God does answer every prayer that reaches His throne room and every prayer He hears. Some prayers, however, never reach His throne room. Prayers prayed in unbelief do not avail anything. James tells us that a double-minded man can expect to receive nothing from God.

In this passage in Mark we learn the wings of prayer that send our prayers directly into God’s throne room. The wings of prayer are faith and forgiveness. When we pray, we must do two things to set our prayers soaring into God’s throne room. We must believe that He hears us, and we must forgive all. If we are in unforgiveness, God will not hear our prayers. Also, we must be careful to pray according to the will of God. How do we know what is the will of God? As long as we are praying according to the Word of God, we will be praying in God’s will. His will is His Word. There is a great promise in 1 John 5:14-15: “Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of Him.”

The Bible tells us that if a man regards iniquity in his heart, God will not hear his prayers (Ps. 66:18). The word regard here means “to see.” If we see a sin in our own lives and refuse to confess it and receive God’s forgiveness for it, then we have regarded iniquity in our hearts, and God will not hear us. Prayer is a waste of breath and time if we have unforgiveness in our hearts toward anyone, or if we know we have sinned and refuse to confess this to the Lord and receive His forgiveness and cleansing.

Confession and cleansing are key ingredients necessary for our prayers to be heard. I like the ACTS method of prayer that many use—Adore the Lord, Confess your sins, Thank the Lord, Supplicate and make your requests known unto the Lord. This morning before you pray, spend some time first in adoration to the Lord. This is a way of declaring your faith in Him. Then confess your sins and also ask the Lord if there is anyone you need to forgive. If the Holy Spirit brings a name to your mind of a person you need to forgive you can pray a prayer of forgiveness like this: “Lord, I forgive ____, and I ask You to bless ____.” Remember forgiveness is not a feeling. It is an act of your will. Make the decision this morning to forgive all who have wronged you. Now you are ready to make your supplications and requests known to the Lord, and do this with thanksgiving. If you follow this simple way of praying, you can have confidence that God will hear your prayers and you will have the petitions you desire of Him. Have a blessed time this morning as you send your prayers soaring on the wings of faith and forgiveness?.?.?.?

READ: Leviticus 27:14-Numbers 1:54; Mark 11:1-26; Psalm 46:1-11; Proverbs 10:23

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