Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

That in the dispensation of the fulness of times he might gather together in one all things in Christ. —Ephesians 1:10

Our eternal God created time to provide a measuring stick by which mortal men could recognize seasons in Him (Genesis 1:14), and a means by which they could gauge their own mortality.

Right now you have time—your most valuable commodity—but the time is quickly approaching when Jesus Christ will come to announce that time is no more.

You are a steward of every second in every minute God has given you. We are to redeem the time we have been given because the days in which we live are evil (Ephesians 5:16). Seize every opportunity to allow God to work His work in you. See each trial as an opportunity to become more Christ-like. See each day as one in which you can become stronger spiritually. Don’t waste one second of your God-given time.

We serve a God of design, intention, and purpose. Be sensitive to His prompting and leading, and allow Him to guide you into fulfillment of your divine purpose.

Father, thank You for each moment You have
given me. How I desire to live each and
every minute for You. Amen.


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