Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Psalm 33:1-11 God spoke, and it was done; He commanded, and
it stood fast. God is not a man that He should lie. I’ve heard it said
the only thing God cannot do is lie. His Word is truth, and this psalm
says His Word is right and all His works are done in truth. His Word
not only is right, but it also has creative power. God spoke into being
all of creation.

can remember looking up to the night sky near Phoenix, Arizona. I saw
stars I did not know existed, and I knew there were probably universes
not yet discovered by man. The heavens do declare the glory of God, and
we cannot help but stand in awe of His great power. The day will come
soon, however, when the stars will fall and all of heaven will be
rolled up like a scroll. There is only one thing that will last
forever—His Word. All that can be shaken will be shaken as the day
comes near to His coming, but His Word will remain steadfast.

These thoughts challenge me to daily read His Word because His Word
is eternal. There are only a few things we can take to heaven with us
when we leave this earth, and one of them is the Word of God that we
have hidden in our hearts.

We live in a world that often is chaotic and unstable. We all need
something we can trust that never changes. God’s Word is steadfast.
Jesus is the living Word, or the Word made flesh, and we can go to Him
the moment we feel shaky or tossed about by the circumstances we

I know what a comfort it is to me to have my husband hold me closely
and speak comforting words when I am shaking from some trauma in my
life. Several years ago as I was driving in my own neighborhood, I hit
a little child riding his bike. The boy almost died. My husband was not
with me at the time, but as soon as I reached home, I fell into his
arms. The strength of his arms supported me, and the comfort of his
words calmed my trembling body. I felt secure and safe, and the peace
of God submerged me.

We have a faithful God whose Word is steadfast. Jesus, the Word made
flesh, is always with us in every circumstance of life. The moment we
need an anchor for our troubled souls, He is reaching out to us to hold
us close to Him, and He longs to comfort us with His words. The sad
reality of life is that many do not turn to Him or His Word for
strength and stability in this life. He is our only hope when things
look hopeless. Run to Him and hear His Word whenever you need something
to hold on to in this life. He longs to hold you throughout every trial.

Lord, teach me to quickly turn to You the moment I feel shaky. You
are my solid rock, my strong tower, my only hope in times of trouble.

READ: Exodus 32:1-33:23; Matthew 26:69-27:14; Psalm 33:1-11; Proverbs 8:33-36

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