Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Proverbs 8:11-13 Proverbs is called the Book of Wisdom. Solomon wrote Proverbs, and one can find the golden threads of wisdom woven throughout the thirty-one chapters. You have probably heard the expression, “Eat an apple a day and keep the doctor away.” Reading a chapter of Proverbs every day will keep the devil away. We were inspired to begin this daily exercise of reading the proverb for the day to our three sons when we saw the great results this brought to a family down the street. This family had three boys and a girl, and the father read the proverb for the day aloud to his children as they gathered for breakfast every morning. All of these children never departed from the ways of the Lord because they learned much wisdom through the proverbs.

Later we challenged our three sons to memorize as many proverbs as possible. We promised them one dollar for every verse they memorized. Later, when we had a Russian exchange student come live with us, we also challenged him in memorize the proverbs. Vladimir became like a son to us and had been with us for seven years. He just about broke us, however, because he memorized so many proverbs.

I believe that God will supply two very special bodyguards to us if we will daily hide the proverbs in our hearts. These two bodyguards are called “Wisdom” and “Prudence.” They will protect us from making wrong decisions and thus being ensnared by the enemy. Two of our sons did wander into the world for a season, but I believe it was the proverbs they hid in their hearts that kept them from going too far astray.

Proverbs was especially directed toward young men. If you have sons, I would highly recommend this practice of reading one proverb a day aloud to your family as you gather together. Daughters also can benefit greatly from such a practice. Recently someone gave me a testimony of how memorizing verses from Proverbs had helped her daughter. Her daughter was attending a very difficult school, and she was having problems studying and doing well on tests. Her mother suggested that she read a chapter in Proverbs a day and memorize at least two verses from that chapter. Soon after her daughter began this daily regimen, she noticed marked improvement in her grades. Her mind was being renewed daily, and she was able to study better, learn and retain more knowledge than ever before.

Today would be a great day to start such a regimen. I challenge you before you go to bed tonight to read Proverbs 8 and commit at least two verses to your memory.

READ: Exodus 28:1-43; Matthew 25:31-26:13; Psalm 31:9-18; Proverbs 8:11-13

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