Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

But he [Shammah] stood in the midst of the ground, and defended it, and slew the Philistines: and the Lord wrought a great victory. —2 Samuel 23:12

Every year, Shammah tilled his field and planned his harvest. Every year the Philistines took it from him. Shammah was again preparing to harvest his crop when he saw the Philistines coming.

This time something rose within him. He strode to the edge of his property and shouted, “Stop!” The chariots screeched to a halt as the jeering Philistines asked who this defiant man was.

When he declared, “I am Shammah!” they turned and headed back over the hills. They knew all about the God of the Israelites who was not only Jehovah Nissi, their banner of victory, and Jehovah Jireh, the God who supplied all their needs-.-.-.-but they were terrified of Jehovah Shammah, the God who is present in the midst of thee.

God is with you. He never leaves or forsakes you (Hebrews 13:5). Never proceed alone. The enemy will seek to isolate you from other Christians and from the Word. Pray in agreement, for there is power when two agree in prayer (Matthew 18:19).

You are not alone. He is with you every step of the way (Matthew 28:20).

In You, Jesus, I am never alone. Lead me to
other believers who will agree with me in
prayer. Stand with me as I face the
enemy. Be ever present to my
every circumstance. Amen.

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