Tue. Sep 17th, 2024

You can show your support for Israel by attending theInsrael/Washington Summit July 16-19.
The situation in the Middle East daily becomes more serious. Intelligence sources say it’s only a matter of time before Iran develops a nuclear bomb. Is there any doubt the Iranians will use it on Israel? Their leader, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, believes Israel should be wiped off the face of the map.

John Hagee, author of Jerusalem Countdown, a prophetic commentary on the situation in the Middle East that has sold more than 1 million copies, believes Ahmadinejad means what he says. And he is encouraging Christians to stand up and speak out for the Jewish nation.

Hagee is the founder of Christians United for Israel (CUFI), an organization working to unify all believers who support Israel. I’m as involved in this group as I’ve been in any group in my 34-year career. That’s because I believe the stakes are high. But it’s also because I see it as a way that I—and other Bible-believing Christians—can make a difference.

The fate of Western civilization as we know it may ride on the outcome of this conflict. The Islamic promoters of jihad want to destroy not only Israel but also the United States and to impose their religion as well as Sharia law on the West. We cannot afford to stand by quietly. We must get involved.

Israel is a tiny nation with few friends. One of the speakers at a pro-Israel prayer breakfast held during the National Religious Broadcasters convention in February called conservative Christians “one of Israel’s best friends.” Another speaker on the dais waiting to speak—an Orthodox Jew from Israel—interrupted him and shouted out: “Israel’s only friend!”

How can you show your support for Israel and the Jewish people? First, get involved in CUFI. If you can participate in a local “A Night to Honor Israel” event, please do so. But more important, plan now to attend the CUFI summit in Washington, D.C., July 16-19 so you can personally tell your elected officials how you feel about Israel.

Last year 3,600 people attended CUFI’s first Israel/Washington D.C. Summit. The size of the group was proof that Christians do care. And it made an impression in Washington. Everyone seemed to be talking about the large number of Christians who were encouraging members of Congress to stand behind Israel.

This year our goal is for 7,000 to attend, including several thousand Charisma readers. You can find the details for the summit on our Web site (www.nighttohonorisrael.org/summit).

Those who come will have the opportunity to attend a Middle East intelligence briefing to learn about the issues from speakers such as Newt Gingrich, to meet with your regional CUFI directors and to participate in a special “A Night to Honor Israel” at the Washington Convention Center on July 17.

But the most significant activity you’ll have the opportunity to engage in is lobbying
your senator and representative. The summit is a great chance to meet them, let them know where you stand and forge a relationship for future communication.

Last year one of the highlights of my trip to Washington was reconnecting with Rep. John Mica from Florida’s 7th district. He listened to me and others from his district go over the “talking points” we had been given by CUFI. Then he took us on a private tour of the Capitol.

Mica is a great friend of Israel and a staunch conservative on the moral issues important to Christians, so it wasn’t difficult to lobby him. But it was good to make the personal connection.

Though your visit may not include a tour, you’ll be amazed at the positive reception you’ll get from members of Congress eager to connect with their constituents. Even some liberal senators who had refused to set up an appointment with CUFI suddenly decided to meet with our group when they were told more than 100 constituents were in their waiting room.

This summer is the 40th anniversary of the Six-Day War, a conflict in which Israel won the West Bank and the entire city of Jerusalem. Wouldn’t it be a great time to show your support for Israel by attending the CUFI summit in Washington, D.C.?

Stephen Strang is the founder and publisher of Charisma. He is also regional director for Christians United for Israel for Florida, Georgia, South Carolina and North Carolina.

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