Wed. Oct 2nd, 2024

Our cup is running over, and God is about to use us to offer it to stangers.
Something powerful is on the horizon. The Lord is equipping His church for the greatest outpouring the world has ever seen. We must do everything possible to prepare our hearts and to train others for this soul-saving revival. We also must be willing to be used by the Lord in new, unfamiliar ways.

A fresh evangelistic anointing is about to rest upon true believers. Fear will give way to Holy Ghost-boldness as the Spirit of God directs His people into uncharted spiritual territory. The thirsty masses are about to be handed an unsolicited cup of cool water that will change them for eternity.

In a recent interview with a major news organization I was asked if the evangelical church should be responsible for solving the world’s starvation and disease epidemic. Though I don’t believe the answer lies solely with the church (it’s a little more complex than that), I do believe that we are mandated to feed, clothe and help the poor. If we don’t, then according to the Word of God, our religion is lifeless.

However, we can’t ignore those who are starving for fresh bread and fresh water from heaven. Their deep hunger pains can only be satisfied as we offer more of God’s presence, power and prophetic insight.

We can do this by allowing the Lord to show up in our church services and home groups without restraint and by showing the hungry and thirsty multitudes that God wants to meet their needs. He can save, He can heal, He can deliver—and we can prove it.

The world is craving a touch from the Creator. We must provide the atmosphere and the opportunity for miracles to take place.

I believe God is going to empower us by sending a new wave of revelation as a foundation for operating in the prophetic. The Lord is going to take the anointing we enjoy inside the sanctuary to those who need it most—outside in the marketplace! Our cup is running over and we’re about to offer it to strangers.

In the months and years ahead God’s people are going to become acutely aware of the spiritually malnourished around them. He will reveal to us the depth of their cravings as if we were watching a documentary on starvation.

The spiritually sensitive are going to experience revelation knowledge of those who are dying of spiritual malnutrition and disease. Vivid images of their desperate plight will be dropped into our spirits. This will take place in schools, shopping malls, the local grocery store—anywhere we find the spiritually destitute.

Without warning, the Lord will use His obedient followers to delve into the very core of the lives of strangers. Hidden secrets will be revealed to the believer, and out of a heart of compassion, he or she will share them with the lost to prove that Jesus Christ is alive. These words will be so direct and precise that conversions will take place.

My favorite prophetic words have always been those that are given outside the church walls. These are the divine appointments that reach into the lives of people who often know nothing of biblical principles and doctrine. All they know is that some brave heart just read their mail.

Such precious, God-ordained meetings will become more commonplace in the days to come. God wants our words, anointed of the Holy Ghost, to penetrate their darkness of doubt and fear. These words, fitly spoken, will literally shock the unbeliever into reality.

Ask God, this year, to give you words in season for the unconverted. That cup of cold water and taste of fresh bread could be the beginning of the end of spiritual world hunger.

Steve Hill is founder and senior pastor of Heartland World Ministries Church in Dallas. He is the author of several books, including Operating in the Miraculous. Visit him online at

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