Tue. Sep 17th, 2024

Morris Cerullo Issues Urgent Prayer Call for the Nation

Cerullo asked believers to fast in mid-February.
International evangelist Morris Cerullo hopes to mobilize 1 million Christians in prayer for the United States through his Save America Now campaign, which launched in January. Cerullo said he received a sober prophetic word in June that warned of looming disaster in the nation.

“God was faithfully revealing His prophetic secrets to His servants (Amos 3:7), not to scare–but to prepare–in this case a mighty prayer initiative that would pierce the darkness and push back the forces of the enemy that are set against America–while issuing a 2 Chronicles 7:14 call to national repentance and prayer,” Cerullo wrote on the campaign’s Web site, www.save-america-now.com.

Morris Cerullo Ministries spokesman Greg Mauro said the group has asked 250,000 churches to participate in a week of prayer and fasting Feb. 7-14. The prayer week was to be preceded by a media blitz that would include full-page ads in leading newspapers such as USA Today, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times and The Washington Post.

The ads are designed to raise awareness about the prayer call and to educate the nation about its Christian roots. Monthly prayer meetings are scheduled to follow the week of prayer, and the campaign culminates with a national TV special at the end of October “to send voters into the polling booths in a spirit of prayer,” Mauro said.

Cerullo’s ministry, which is financing the campaign, said the effort is not a political movement but an attempt to spur people to pray. Cerullo has enlisted the support of more than 80 Christian leaders, including John Bevere, Cindy Jacobs, Bishop Eddie Long, Marilyn Hickey, Eddie and Alice Smith, Rodney Howard-Browne and Bishop George McKinney.

“The USA is facing its greatest moral, spiritual, political and national defense crisis since the birth of the country,” prophetic minister Grant Jeffrey wrote at the Save America Now site. “It is essential that serious Christians commit themselves to prayer and fasting in light of this unprecedented time of both danger and challenge.”

There is no cost to join the campaign, and everyone who participates will receive regular prayer updates and a copy of Cerullo’s book America in Crisis.
Adrienne S. Gaines

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